About Us


Is a platform that combine all Malaysian product under one- roof top in order to support campaign #sapotlokal. Not just focusing on skincare brand, but we do have fragrance, fashion, hair care and body care too. We offer beauty brands that are safe, high quality and of course effective. Each product that is available at GShoplah! Is personally hand – picked and tested by the owner to ensure that it meet our standard.

We believe that beauty has no skin tone

and there’s no instant or miracle result unless with commitment and consistency. You have to invest time and effort, with the right ingredients and products, so you will definitely achieve a healthy skin, body and hair.

The Founder 2

The Founder

Better known as WANI or AWAN, a skincare junkie or skincare educator that actively educating her followers regarding on how to understand about skin and skincare with an easy going write up. She also will guide you with the best way on how to treat your skin when its become a severe problem. She also will consult you on how to choose the best product to treat your skin problem specifically. Oh! She also have a love affair with, food, fashion, hair and bodycare.

Fatin Nursyafawani

Entrepreneur, Skincare Expert
Follow her on:

Our Philosophy

We only focus on evidence science science backed -up solution for all of our product formulation, main intention is to help our customer get an utmost results with affordable price.

We want to make sure, when they are using any of our product, they will get satisfied and keep coming back to get more and more. We do care about efficacies and finishing of our products. We also care about safety. Nothing is more important than safety. It’s a top priority for us. We choose only safe ingredients, friendly -use to consumers and also the environment. We avoid choose some products that have non beneficial ingredients.

Safe Ingredients
Environmentally Friendly
Scientifically Proven

What Our Customers Are Saying

“Everyday Sunshield yang akak beli tu memang bagus gila. Before this nampak wrinkle kat dahi, daily use now dah reduce a lot. Maybe sebelom ni, cahaya matahari tu lah yang mempercepatkan penuaan. So, bila apply sunscreen tu, dia bantu jadi lebih cantik kulit.”

Dalina Rose

“Patutlah selama ni muka banyak masalah, rupanya punca utama dia sebab tak pakai sunscreen. Lepas try Hydrating Everyday Sunshield tu. Alhamdulillah masalah kulit slowly nampak ada improvement ke arah yang lebih baik.”

Nurul Kauthar

“OMG! Yes! Dulu I breakout teruk and kurang percaya dengan produk tempatan. But after try New.bie, now alhamdulillah my skin dah bersih siap ada extra glow sebab retinol.”


“Saya dari breakout jerawat teruk gila, pakai new.bie basic + retinol, licin muka sampai orang fitnah pakai kilo produk.”

Mawar Ibrahim
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